15 Ways for Advisors to Increase Engagement on Social Media
Social media engagement is a way to measure likes, comments, and shares on your posts. It’s important because it creates a stronger relationship between you and your customers. It also increases your visibility, since social media platforms favor businesses with more engagement. Both of these factors can lead to additional sales through upselling, repeat business, […]
Harnessing the Power of Intrinsic Motivation for HNW Clients
Joining a co-ed soccer league. Learning to say beautiful words in Italian. Improving your woodworking skills. Starting a garage band with the neighbors. Re-reading all the Harry Potter books in order. What do all of these things have in common? They’re fueled by intrinsic motivation. According to Healthline, intrinsic motivation is “the act of doing […]
What Financial Advisors and Their Firms Don’t Understand About Digital Marketing
How can advisors and financial firms improve their marketing? Digital marketing expert and TIFIN Clout CEO Niharika Shah explains why the solution lies in personalizing relationships. Originally from InvestmentNews.com (11/4/21) For many advisors and their firms, the era of cold-calling and wholesaler-paid prospecting dinners were the good old days of advisor marketing. Truth be […]
Why Financial Advisors Need To Demonstrate Their Firm’s Expertise In Digital Marketing
The Online Marketing Institute has shown it takes between 7-13 touches with a client before you make a sales-ready lead. One of the best ways to create enough touchpoints is to publish content online. This content can come in different forms, including articles, social media posts, podcasts, videos, emails, and other content. For businesses, the […]
The Impact of Apple’s iOS 15 Update on Email Marketing for Financial Advisors
At its Worldwide Developers Conference in June, Apple announced new privacy features for the iOS 15, which became available to the public in September 2021. These privacy features have already had a tremendous impact on the use and effectiveness of email marketing, and they will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Apple’s iOS […]
Personalization: An Imperative With Ultra High Net Worth Clients
As clients become more discerning with their expectations for service and personalization, it’s no surprise that highly coveted Ultra High Net Worth (UHNW) clients may be even more so. UHNW clients have a myriad of options where to invest their assets and the nuances of each relationship matter. Hyper-personalization can be a powerful driver when […]
Four Things You Didn’t Know About Direct Indexing
You’ve heard of direct indexing, and some supporters have gone so far as to say it’s the future of investing. While it’s largely accepted that personalization is critical, what does direct indexing really mean, and how can a smaller practice achieve it at scale? It’s no secret that over the last decade, passive investing has […]
[Case Study] How TIFIN Content Advisors Are Using Personalized Outreach To Convert New Clients
From digital marketing to content marketing to social selling; advisors these days are bombarded with buzzwords, best-practice tips, and lists of tactics you should try for your firm. However, rarely do these articles walk through a specific journey of how an advisor can turn these theoretical concepts into practical actions that generate ROI. In this […]
Personalize or Perish: Why Personalization is Key for Financial Advisors
Personalization is key to compete in a crowded marketplace. While personalization was once a “nice to have,” providing a personalized wealth management has become essential to remaining relevant in a competitive marketplace where clients expect more than ever. For financial advisors, the stakes are even higher. As investors are increasingly turning to new robo technology […]
8 Tips For Financial Advisors To Level Up Their Social Media
It’s no longer news that social media is a vastly powerful force in marketing. More than 73% of marketing professionals said that social media marketing was either “very effective” or “somewhat effective” in a 2019 Buffer study. And social media marketing is an increasingly important part of a strong financial marketing campaign as well, partially […]