Why Your Marketing Strategy Must Be Ongoing and Consistent

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Why Your Marketing Strategy Must Be Ongoing and Consistent When it comes to business, there are no overnight success stories. It takes time to build an audience, a brand, and a reputation. Even when a company has reached a certain level of success, they have to continue to market their products and services. Imagine if […]

The Value of Content Marketing for Asset Managers

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Content marketing is the act of creating and distributing digital media with the intention of attracting and retaining the attention of a defined target audience. This digital media can be produced in various forms, including articles, emails, social media posts, videos, podcasts, and more. How Content Marketing Differs Than Traditional Marketing Content marketing differs from […]

What Financial Advisors and Their Firms Don’t Understand About Digital Marketing

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How can advisors and financial firms improve their marketing? Digital marketing expert and TIFIN Clout CEO Niharika Shah explains why the solution lies in personalizing relationships. ‍ Originally from InvestmentNews.com (11/4/21) For many advisors and their firms, the era of cold-calling and wholesaler-paid prospecting dinners were the good old days of advisor marketing. Truth be […]

Why Financial Advisors Need To Demonstrate Their Firm’s Expertise In Digital Marketing

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The Online Marketing Institute has shown it takes between 7-13 touches with a client before you make a sales-ready lead. One of the best ways to create enough touchpoints is to publish content online. This content can come in different forms, including articles, social media posts, podcasts, videos, emails, and other content. For businesses, the […]

The Impact of Apple’s iOS 15 Update on Email Marketing for Financial Advisors

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At its Worldwide Developers Conference in June, Apple announced new privacy features for the iOS 15, which became available to the public in September 2021. These privacy features have already had a tremendous impact on the use and effectiveness of email marketing, and they will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Apple’s iOS […]

8 Tips For Financial Advisors To Level Up Their Social Media

8 tips for financial advisors to level up their social media

It’s no longer news that social media is a vastly powerful force in marketing. More than 73% of marketing professionals said that social media marketing was either “very effective” or “somewhat effective” in a 2019 Buffer study. And social media marketing is an increasingly important part of a strong financial marketing campaign as well, partially […]

Start Strong With Your 2022 Marketing Efforts

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With the new year comes new opportunities to attract and convert potential clients. The start of 2022 offers a great chance for you to hone your marketing strategy and ensure that you are reaching prospects in new and engaging ways that resonate with their own aspirations. You should capitalize on this time to reassure, educate, […]