As Companies Stay Private Longer, Advisors Need Access to Private Markets

It’s no secret that Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) have been the go-to fundraising tool for companies of a certain size for over a century. However, the investing landscape has changed since the heyday of IPOs. Consider the following: In 1980, the median age of a company at its IPO was 6 years, whereas in 2021, […]
Personalized Wealth Management for Financial Advisors

Why Hyper-Personalization Should Be At Your Firm’s Forefront When your clients browse social media, they’re served personalized content. When they stream movies or music, they receive personalized recommendations. When they meet with you, their wealth advisor, they inherently expect the same level of personalization–and if they don’t receive it, they may look elsewhere for someone […]
5 Questions with Bill Parsons

TIFIN Grow is pleased to welcome Bill Parsons as EVP and General Manager. We’d like to introduce Bill and the deep experience he brings to the fintech, AI, and analytics-led solution space. Below, we invite you to get to know Bill as he answers five questions about his career, the fintech industry, and the best […]
Putting the “I” in Investor: How to Give Clients the Personalization They Expect

Consumers now expect customized treatment from all services – including their financial advisor. New technology can help even small practices keep up. “One size fits all” no longer fits. In a world where a person’s streaming service recommends movies they’ll love and their grocery app remembers their favorite snacks, investors are wondering why their financial […]
The Dangers of Gamified and Thrill-Seeking Investing for Gen Z and Millennials

Investing has always come with some risk, and it’s understood in the financial community that the more risk a person takes on, the more they may expose themselves to both big gains, but also big losses. Today, with national news headlines of the occasional meme stock trader, NFT connoisseur, or cryptocurrency investor making six figures […]