Start Strong With Your 2022 Marketing Efforts

various dollar bills lay on a table

With the new year comes new opportunities to attract and convert potential clients. The start of 2022 offers a great chance for you to hone your marketing strategy and ensure that you are reaching prospects in new and engaging ways that resonate with their own aspirations. You should capitalize on this time to reassure, educate, and form stronger connections with potential clients through personalized messages that emphasize the unique value that you can provide as a financial advisor.

Many people make new year’s resolutions to better themselves in the coming year, and financial resolutions are continually one of the most popular each year. Fidelity reports that 68% of Americans are considering a financial resolution for the new year, and 43% of those respondents are looking to save more money whether for long-term or short-term goals.

Utilize the start of the new year to tap into financial resolutions that people are already planning on making and highlight how you can help them stay on track and achieve their goals not only in 2022 but also in the future. To have the best impact, apply messaging that draws on a growth mindset to help people frame financial situations as opportunities for growth and increase their confidence in facing challenging situations. You can outline how having clear and specific financial goals coupled with your services makes it possible to achieve their financial resolutions.

While you capitalize on the beginning of the new year to align with consumer goals, you’ll want to ensure that you have consistent touch points set up with your prospects. Email and social media are effective tactics used to grow and maintain relationships as they easily allow for personalization and automation. People are inundated with ads and marketing across platforms, so they are becoming more selective when deciding which content to opt into and consume. To help you stand out in inboxes and on social platforms, invest in sharing high-quality and unique content that is relevant to your target audience. You can read about how a TIFIN Clout advisor used a hyper-personalized approach to convert a prospect into a client, so you can better understand how you can go from onboarding to the TIFIN Clout platform to acquiring new clients.

You can also maximize your email strategy by scheduling recurring email campaigns. Having automated campaigns allows you to easily create multiple touch points with prospects whilst gaining key data insights. As your sends increase, you can see which topics have performed best in the past and continue to share related content, begin to segment your prospect list, and create additional campaigns to better personalize your touch points, nurture leads, and convert prospects.

Like email, you can refine your social media strategy based on what content is performing well. As you discover what resonates best through likes, comments, shares, and engagements, you can tailor your posts to include similar content and increase your posting frequency. The start of the new year offers a great low-stakes environment to encourage meaningful interaction on your social media posts: you can ask your followers to share their 2022 resolutions which will encourage comments and create potential leads. You can read about other ways to increase social media engagement on our blog.

Bottom Line

January is a great time to connect with and educate potential clients on how you can help them prepare for important financial milestones in 2022 and beyond. Whether they are close to converting or a new lead, you should focus on providing contextually relevant content that showcases how you can help make their goals a reality.

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